The Hub for Healthcare Employees & Healthcare Facilities


Assurance Quality Staffing is a premier healthcare staffing recruitment agency building a network between quality staff and caring healthcare facilities. Why? Simply put, because patients are important. Our frontline workforce and the medical institutions care about their patients. At Recruit Staffers, our job is to bring quality staff and facilities together to create the best medical/longterm care for all.

Your Quality Healthcare Connection

Once you complete the necessary forms, the process is simple.


Assurance Quality Staffing will schedule a virtual MEETING to further assess your skills and passion to position you to prosper in your new facility. We also meet with you as new opportunities come available.


Our goal now is to connect you with a healthcare facility that is congruent with your experience while MATCHING facilities with excellent potential employees.


Assurance Quality Staffing will MANAGE the hiring process by assuring that you have the proper information about the facility looking to hire you along with the tools to execute an exceptional interview.

Let’s Get Started! Click Below.